What I learned from the Group Presentations.

The group presentations in class were a cool way to hear from some of the less outspoken people in our class and a fun opportunity to dig into an interesting topic. My topic about echo chambers gave me a look into the bias in certain news or media outlets that I used every day. One topic from another group I found particularly interesting was the presentation for the "Five Eyes". I consider myself a pretty big history buff, not necessarily in the political realm, but was still surprised I had never heard of the Five Eyes. I knew some information about the intelligence community but mostly from past wars but hadn't heard even the slightest whisper of any joint intelligence operations outside of shared intel between agencies like the CIA and MI6 or something along those lines. The 5 countries all share relatively similar beliefs in a lot of areas so they may have the same uses for the intelligence they collect. Not to mention that the quality of the information in the intel that is compiled through this combined effort will increase with more information being added from different sources. Some people may point to potential shady business happening behind closed doors with the passing of this information but I think there is much more positive that could come out of this than negative. With 5 separate countries, not to mention the smaller groupings like the FBI or NSA can all be used as a safeguard against another country if it fails to act accordingly. Overall, I am very impressed by the fact that I didn't know of the Five Eyes existed (maybe that's good for an intelligence community), and by the fact that even more bigger organizations with similar purpose are also around.

Image result for 5 eyes


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